GTA V's startup time has been complained about since the release of the game, but Rockstar has done little to repair the issue except for last year when an outside programmer found a way to improve GTA Online's loading time. The graphics between PS4 and PS5 were also compared, and the advancement is notable. While it is still quite a bit longer than other AAA games on next-gen consoles, it is an enormous improvement for Grand Theft Auto V. While the loading time on PS4 was over a minute and a half, VGC found that that time was reduced to around 27 seconds on PS5. VGC has tested the Story Mode loading time of GTA V for PS5 specifically and found that it is around three times faster than that of the PS4. It seems that Rockstar has paid attention to the frustrations of players. Related: GTA 5 Next-Gen Review: Here We Go Again However, the remaster of the game addresses issues seen in previous consoles, including the infamously long start-up loading time. Upon release, the Story and Online modes of GTA V will be discounted, but Playstation users will receive a better deal before the title returns to its full price. Some players are also disappointed that the expansion favors GTA Online over the story. Although fans are willing to buy the game once again nine years after its initial launch, the price has been a point of contention.
This is an extreme upgrade for a title that was originally created for Xbox 360 and PS3. On next-gen consoles, the most recent GTA title will have various graphics modes and support a 4K resolution.